ELSA GLoria Synergy, 3Dlabs-PERMEDIA 2 Controller, PCI/AGP, 4 or 8 MB SGRAM

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3D Studio MAX Drivers

      ELSA GLoria Synergy, Heidi driver for 3D Studio MAX 1.x and 3D Studio VIZ 1.x for Windows NT 4.0
  glsymax1.zip    (951 KB)    03 Apr 1998   v2.00.02       
      MAXtreme driver for 3D Studio MAX 2.x and 3D Studio VIZ 2.0 for Windows NT 4.0
  maxtreme.zip    (1.47 MB)    22 Apr 1999   v1.08.05       

AutoCAD® drivers

      ELSA GLoria Synergy, POWERdraft for AutoCAD R13, display list driver and tools for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0
  glsypd13.zip    (1.33 MB)    13 Nov 1997   v2.01.10       
      ELSA GLoria Synergy, POWERdraft for AutoCAD R14.01, display list driver and tools for Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0
  glsypd14.zip    (2.59 MB)    22 Apr 1999   v14.03.05       

BIOS files

      ELSA GLoria Synergy, BIOS flash utility with binary files v7.03.04 for PCI boards and v8.0x.0x for AGP boards
  glsybios.zip    (295 KB)    19 Jan 1999   v1.29       

DOS drivers and utilities

      ELSA GLoria Synergy, Setup-tool for DOS drivers, only for ELPRO and PC-Draft drivers; Don't use in a DOS box! Please refer to the readme!
  glsy_dos.zip    (444 KB)    01 Feb 1999   v4.13       
      ELSA GLoria Synergy, ELPRO driver (use DOS pkunzip with -d option)
  glsy_elp.zip    (415 KB)    13 May 1998   v6.09.02       
      ELSA GLoria Synergy, PC-Draft driver (use DOS pkunzip with -d option)
  glsy_pcd.zip    (451 KB)    13 May 1998   v6.63.02       


      ELSA GLoria Synergy, german and english manual addendum, PDF-format for use with Acrobat Reader; additional information about videoIO and multiscreen
  glsy_add.zip    (60.2 KB)    09 Jun 1999   
      ELSA GLoria Synergy, german manual, PDF-format for use with Acrobat Reader
  glsy_de.zip    (973 KB)    22 May 1998   
      ELSA GLoria Synergy, english manual, PDF-format for use with Acrobat Reader
  glsy_en.zip    (1.16 MB)    20 May 1998   

OS/2 Warp drivers

      ELSA GLoria Synergy, OS/2 Warp 4, GRADD dualboard driver
  glsyos2d.zip    (2.11 MB)    08 May 1998   v1.06       
      ELSA GLoria Synergy, OS/2 Warp 4, GRADD-driver
  glsyos2g.zip    (2.02 MB)    13 Aug 1998   v1.07       
      ELSA GLoria Synergy, VideoIn for OS/2 Warp 4
  glsyos2v.zip    (124 KB)    08 May 1998   v1.00       

Utilities for OS/2

      MainActor/2 for OS/2 Warp 4 (fully functional ELSA version), for Video capture and format conversion for ELSA GLoria Synergy and ELSA WINNER 2000Office
  main_os2.zip    (2.77 MB)    09 Apr 1998   v1.60   

Drivers and Utilities for Windows 95 and Windows NT

      ELSA GLoria Synergy, SPIRIT 7/8 display list driver
  glsyspi8.zip    (629 KB)    06 Nov 1998   v2.00.00.04       
      ELSA GLoria Synergy, LogoCAD driver (use DOS pkunzip with -d option)
  glsy_lgi.zip    (614 KB)    13 May 1998   v2.05.00.01       
      MainActor (for Windows 9x and Windows NT), for Video capture and format conversion, (only for ELSA GLoria Synergy, ELSA WINNER 2000/Office and ELSA VICTORY Erazor)
  mainact.zip    (9.07 MB)    15 Nov 1998   v2.06   
      ELSA POWERlib-Setup for Windows 9x and Windows NT for ELSA CAD graphics boards; usefull to check and update the ELSA POWERlib files used with ALLPLAN, CADdy++ 15 or LogoCAD
  powerlib.zip    (3.34 MB)    03 Feb 1999   v3.04.00.04       

Windows 95 drivers

      ELSA GLoria Synergy, DeskTool update for Windows 95 multiscreen driver v.
  deskw95m.zip    (284 KB)    16 Apr 1999   v3.02.01.02       
      ELSA GLoria Synergy, Windows 95 multiscreen driver and tools now with new DeskTool v3.02.01.02
  glsyw95m.exe    (1.59 MB)    02 Sep 1998   v4.10.01.0203-0009       
      ELSA GLoria Synergy, Windows 95 singlescreen driver and tools, with OpenGL ICD
  glsyw95s.exe    (2.94 MB)    03 Dec 1998   v4.10.01.0203-0013       

Windows 98 drivers

      ELSA GLoria Synergy, Windows 98 driver and tools, with OpenGL ICD
  glsy_w98.exe    (2.94 MB)    03 Dec 1998   v4.10.01.0203-0013       

Windows NT drivers

      ELSA GLoria Synergy, DeskTool update for Windows NT 4.0 (build 1381.) driver v5.36.00.382 for i386 CPUs, supports multiscreen modes
  desknt40.zip    (284 KB)    16 Apr 1999   v3.02.01.02       
      ELSA GLoria Synergy, Windows NT 4.0 (build 1381.) driver now with new DeskTool v3.02.01.02 for i386 CPUs, supports multiscreen modes
  glsynt40.zip    (3.37 MB)    15 Dec 1998   v5.36.00.382       
      ELSA GLoria Synergy, Windows NT 4.0 (build 1381.) BETA driver for i386 CPUs. This driver should be used with Microstation / J and SolidWorks 98+.
  glsynt4b.zip    (4.26 MB)    29 Apr 1999   v5.36.00.418BETA       
      ELSA GLoria Synergy, 3Dlabs DEC Alpha driver for Windows NT 4.0
  glsyntal.zip    (1.40 MB)    09 Jul 1997   v2.90       

Utilities for Windows NT

      ELSAview3D for AutoCAD R14.01, for Windows NT 4.0; if you're using ELSA POWERdraft also, please use v14.02.06 or higher
German and English version
  ev3d.zip    (4.33 MB)    22 Apr 1999   v1.04.06       
      ELSAview3D for AutoCAD R14.01, for Windows NT 4.0; if you're using ELSA POWERdraft also, please use v14.02.06 or higher
English, French, Spanish and Italian version
  ev3defsi.zip    (5.09 MB)    21 Dec 1998   v1.03.11       
      ELSAview3D beta for AutoCAD 2000, for Windows NT 4.0; first version to support AutoCAD 2000! German and English version
  ev3d_2b.zip    (5.38 MB)    17 May 1999   v2.00.04beta       
      3Dlabs OpenGL demos
  ogldemo.zip    (586 KB)    10 Nov 1997   v1.00   
      OGLQuery, tool to determine double buffering capability under WindowsNT with ELSA Synergy and GLoria boards driver
  oglquery.zip    (28.8 KB)    24 Jun 1997   v2.00